Crumbled Teeth

Dreams of teeth crumbling teeth can be associated with one's insecurity in life. The fact the teeth "crumble" means that an area of waking life needs your attention.
Crumbling teeth are connected to a power of transformation. The crumbling teeth in your dream can be indicating a difficulty in life. If we look at how animal’s use their teeth as a symbolism they use “teeth” as a defense mechanism. The crumbling teeth seen in your dream can indicate a loss of control in life or that you are unable to defend an attack by your enemies. My opinion is that crumbling teeth is associated with feeling a lack of control in life. Diving into the Jungian symbolism - crumbling teeth is associated with weakness after a period of aggression control. If you don’t have any teeth and the dream indicates you’re not in control or have the power. If we turn to symbolism it can indicate that your energy and self-defense is down.

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