Color or Colours

When we are awake in life many different colors can affect our mood and emotions, but what does it mean to dream of color?
Carl Jung, the famous dream psychologist from the 1930s believed that colors represent the following: Black is connected to our unconscious, white or light colors signify our conscious mind. Yellow represents our intuition, blue our thinking, red our feelings and finally green represents our sensations. Generally, bright strong and defiant colors reflect how we sexually communicate. Darker colors,  from a dream psychology perspective, can boost our own fears and worries during sleep. Pastel colors are associated with reducing stress. Dreaming in color appears to be rather frequent and this has even been attributed to the fact that we watch television in color. I will, of course, go into more detail regarding each color. If you don't have time to read all my dream meaning then just scroll down this article to reach your specific color dream interpretation as I have detailed each color in turn.

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