A mole in your dream can refer to a mole on your body, or a mole rodent.
A mole (animal) tends to be lined to a person in waking life. A recurring nightmare in not necessarily a symbol of a problem but more that you have a recurring worry or dilemma in waking life. Many dreams involving wild animals try to point out our tendency to make things easier in life. We apply outdated methods sometimes to problems that we have. The mole, as he lives in the dark is associated with trying to get out of a dark way of thinking. It is time to see the light! Don't worry that a dream is telling you to make a drastic change. We can only improve the way we think about situations. To see a mole (on the body) in your dream suggests that you need to work through a problem. This dream shows that you need to look at things more realistic or summon your own strength when it is required.

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