Dreams About Trees

Dreaming about trees is symbolic of your hopes and desires, growth, knowledge and life in general. I am glad you have this dream as it is a great omen.
Symbolically speaking tree can have not only positive but also negative correlations in connection with your dream. The details of your dream is equally important, think about the actual type of tree and the shape you doing in the dream? I like to think the trees represent the people in our lives. In a spiritual sense of tree can be associated with your own emotional well-being. The tree indicates your goals and progress in life. Many dreams that I have read from you sending me through e-mail involve natural tree branches. Cutting branch of the tree is somewhat popular and can be connected to removing problems or aspirations in life. If we turn to Buddhism the tree closely follows our own human and provides us with the ability to communicate with the spiritual realm. If tree roots are featured your dream then this indicates that family and friends are important. If you see tree roots during the dream’s then this (according to older dream lore) illustrates the prosperity will soon be yours.

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