Braces in dreams can be a rather common occurrence.
In real life wearing braces are common orthodontic treatments, in particular, we associate braces with our adolescence. This is because braces are normally worn by children. In dreams, braces are associated with being resistant to gossip and communication. This dream is about feeling free-spirited it normally appears when you are not able to communicate with others. Braces have been around for about 50 years and as modern technology has progressed invisible braces for adults have become popular. To dream of wearing a brace as an adult usually means that you need to move forward with your own abilities in life. I am Flo, I am here to help you understand this dream better, I have compiled below many dreams that feature braces but if I have not covered yours then please leave me a facebook comment which you can access by scrolling to the bottom. I have included interpretations from mainly Western sources but for interest, I have also looked at the Chinese meanings of this dream. Just scroll down to find your dream meaning.

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