To dream of a threesome suggests that someone in old dream dictionaries it means that someone is trying to dominate you. Some people have these types of relationships and it is accepted as being known as a trouple. If you are engaged in a relationship that is a threesome in your dream then this dream is associated with relationship you have in waking life.
If you are tired of dating people and want a proper relationship then it is common to have dreams of a threesome. If you have a monogamous marriage then this dream could just mean that you would like more to the relationship. If you are in a relationship that is a polyamory then it is not uncommon to dream of your three partners and you should not read too much into this. If the threesome in your dream was not inclusive (but is in real life) then this can mean that you are worried about your current relationship. I remember once I had a dream I was one of many wife's of a man. If this occurred in your dream, and the relationship was polyamories it can indicate that you feel insecure in your relationship.

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