If you dreamed of a tattoo then this is an interesting dream and I will try to explain what it means. The tattoo in dreams intrigues me the most, it can imply that spiritually you are undertaking a journey depending on how the tattoo is depicted. Such dreams can have multiple interpretations.
A tattoo dream is all about definition. It indicates you are trying to define yourself and that has to represent you or somebody else who wants to be associated with positive energy, it is also a “symbol” of a spiritual journey. In short, the color, design, and placement of the tattoo have a specific meaning. The tattoo indicates that you need to be noticed. If you have encountered some difficult events recently than the tattoo dream indicates that even though things have been negative in the future those negative events are likely to melt away. As in real life and in our dream world the design and color of a tattoo on someone’s body shows his or her beliefs, emotion, life events, and ideas which have a long lasting impression on our lives. Similarly, the tattoo dream can give insight and represent the way you think, demonstrate things which you believe in and your habits as well. The act of pricking the skin with a needle indicates spiritually, that experiences in life go beyond our presence. We understand there are many different paths to the unexpected. Having a tattoo is extremely popular. Surprisingly America in total spends around £1.5 billion on tattoos every year. Interestingly,  21% of the American population have at least one tattoo. It’s no surprise you have a dream of having a tattoo.

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