Did your dream of shoes? Shoes are rather common in dreams, they are associated with protection. If you dream of shoes, this is often an indication that you feel you need to take a new path in your life.
Shoes have become an object of our identity. Shoes are connected to our beauty, creativity and the way we define ourselves socially. From Jimmy Choos, to flip flops our shoes can give us a distinct practical side. Shoes in a dream can say so much about you. Not only does the shoe protect our feet but the shoe acts as a sartorial symbol in the waking world. I will first turn to the general meaning of shoes then move onto the specific spiritual meaning. Firstly, did you know that according to Sigmund Freud shoes are a symbol of the female sex organ? Many of Freud's dream interpretations are sexual in nature but he believed that the shoe is associated with how we connect in a sexual way and the appearance in a dream denotes that you are sexually frustrated! So go get some bedroom action! Shoes can occur in many different ways in dreams from buying shoes, black shoes through to walking in a dream without shoes, or you could not find them.

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