Ruins can appear in many different ways during the dream. 
Ruins are broken buildings and indicate death, despair, and failing health in old gypsy dream lore. But don't worry! I have researched this dream and can say that I conclude it is a positive dream depending on the details. Ruins in dreams can indicate the death of an area in your life that need to be built up or the end of something. When you are concerned about health issues ruins can have multiple meanings, depending on if the focus in your dream is destruction or rebirth. To see ruins in your dream forewarns of break-ups or problems in relationships – especially if there is a partner or ex in the dream regarding the ruins.  It could be that you have discovered old sites or alternatively clusters of ruins. This dream can be rather daunting depending upon what you see in your dream. I have broken this dream meaning down so please scroll to find your dream.

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