Dreams About Bombs

Bang! Bang! It is very common to dream about bombs so the first thing I will say is don’t worry.
Dreaming of bombs can create many feelings inside. When one has this particular dream, it denotes that, there is a part of you which is about to explode and thus, there is a need for you to address it.  Someone or something could have threatened or terrorized you during your waking life and you feel things have reached “boiling point” which is the direct result in the dreaming about bombs. Bombs are often a representation that we are undertaking personal growth. In ancient dream dictionaries, the “bomb” is like a connection of aggressiveness. There could be some feeling that you are harboring such as anger or resentment that need to be expressed. The bomb in the dream illustrated that you are encountering a problem. It could be a grisly dream, especially if you see dead bodies or the bomb actually goes off. I will say to you, not to worry. It represents your own emotion and through a period of “difficult times,” you will receive new vitality!

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