Dreams About Animals

A dream about animals can be either positive or negative, depending on the details of the dream.
I will try to cover all of the possible “animal” type dreams here. If you observe animals in most cases denotes instinctual or basic behaviors, actions, and emotions. These emotions, instincts, and behaviors are normally repressed deep your personality due to the fact that, they are considered to be unacceptable to those around you. Seeing the animal in a dream is connected to your own inner feelings. Sometimes these can be unnoticed or unacknowledged during the day but resurface when you are asleep in the form of dreams.  When you have a dream about animals, they will in a way help you to understand your deepest desires and emotions and of course each animal brings with it a spiritual message. There could be a focus that you are desiring freedom and that is why the dreams are occurring. If you keep dreaming of animals over and over it can imply your connection to nature.

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