Dragon in Dreams

Dragons in dreams are connected to creativity and to how we communicate with people. As amazing magical creatures, the symbolic meaning of the Dragon indicates our own independence. Also in dreams, the dragon is symbolic of our daily stresses. 
There is rich history which surrounds this amazing magical creature, especially because you could see this in your dream. In a very old 1920s dream dictionaries the dragon symbolism in a dream can suggest that you have some powers of imagination and creativity. There is always a veil of uncertainty whether Dragon/existed and in a dream sense whether you’re connected with the astral plane.  Dragons are a symbol of protection. And dreams of Dragon represent your own fears. I’m really excited about writing this dream interpretation, and many of you have contacted me about dreaming of dragons. Symbolically the Dragon is female and dominates the masculine qualities in life. So, I will do my best to give you the best dream interpretation. If I do not cover everything then drop me a Facebook message by scrolling to the end of my article. I will always reply. So, let’s start. In Christian times the Dragon symbolism is of the devil and alternatively denotes sin. In Chinese mythology, the dragon is black and a symbolism of intelligence and a keeper of the Tree of Knowledge. The Celts often use the word dragon to identify their dictator. The history of dragons is filled with many different ancient stories. Dragons are often seen on our TV screens in various movies along with different types of stories that involve dragons like my favorite: The Game of Thrones. In Asia, dragons are represented as being friendly and peaceful. I will say, that it is very interesting that you have this symbolism in your dream and means certain things will happen to you depending on the details. The word Dragon is from the ancient Greek word “dragon o” which means in real terms “the dragon serpent.” It is not uncommon to dream of attacking or struggling with dragons. I like to include ancient folklore as this can significantly provide insight into the real meaning of your dream.  

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