Birds are also associated with peace, messages, communication, freedom and spiritual connections, they also symbolize ideas. To dream of beautiful birds with colorful plumage in dream lore is a sign of a marriage.
I just love birds and dream wise I will explore what they mean. In dream lore, birds represent the direction that we are heading in life and the spiritual power which is connected to the fact they fly high in the sky. Birds might be a sign of great things to come and can suggest imagination, happiness, spirit, nature, and matter. There are many different variations of bird dreams and here I have tried to make it easy for you to define your dream. If we look at the history of birds then we can learn that in ancient times seeing a certain bird denotes a different symbolism or perhaps message. To dream of birds in a negative consequence is a symbolism that things are going to be difficult in life.  Just scroll down to find your dream meaning I have put some meanings of specific birds nearer the bottom. As we know most birds fly in the sky and can also be associated with messages and high ambition. You may be coming to this dream interpretation because you had a vivid dream, I will say this,  that you have some great ambitions in life and you are likely to exceed. Don't forget to contact me at the end of my article via the facebook comments - if your dream is not covered. These are the list of birds in your dream that represent positive times ahead: Blackbirds, ravens, owls, sparrow, (brown birds) blue rays, chickens, ducks and hummingbirds.

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