Becoming A Ghost

Dreaming of becoming a ghost is the sign of your inner voice that needs to receive more attention. It can refer you’re your most inner fears, even feelings of guilt.
This dream draws your attention towards your past, as there may be something you should recognize. Dreaming of becoming a ghost is connected to a special state of mind. From here comes people’s vulnerability when dreaming of ghost attacks. The interpretation of ancient dream books is that ghosts represent a part of our personality that we need to overcome in order to enable our life to function much better. Such manifestations and their multitude are justified by a few theories that appeared even from ancient times. Another theory claims that those that have inferior spirits, people that have committed dreadful acts and died, do not find their peace after death and, before entering a new body to serve their sentence, they try to satisfy their ghostlike hunger in other ways. Since they do not have a body, they try to possess one, or even easier, they attack the weaker spirits of people in the most vulnerable moment: in a dream.

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