Being alone in your dream shows that you are happy to complete a project. Dreaming of being alone generally means that you have successfully taken actions to make sure that your inner self is content.
This dream also shows it is clear that you are able to deal with anything that life throws at you. In this dream, you may have encountered a state of seclusion or isolation, and a lack of contact with people. It may stem from bad relationships, deliberate choice, infectious disease, mental disorders, or circumstances of employment. There are two types of human isolation: protective isolation (voluntary), and source isolation (non-voluntary). You need to ask yourself if now is time to make sure things your life is properly structured. The details of the dream are important to understanding if it was either positive or negative. If in your dream you were alone then you may need to test the "reality” of your current life, it means you have the inability to distinguish between the actual and the imagined. This can also mean that you need self-confidence. You need to fervently believe in your own infallibility, brilliance, omnipotence, heroism, and perfection. It is time to confront the truth and admit it to yourself.

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