Have you had a dream where you are adamant in regards to a decision? Have you ever tried to change a persons mind in a dream such as your son or daughter adamant they will leave school or get married? Strangely, this all means something. In older dream books such a dream can mean that you will encounter some minor troubles in your life. Do you find that sometimes things in life get complicated?
If at times you don't know where to start to make life better then this dream is a simple warning. Being adamant in waking life is positive and shows that you know what you want in your life. If you are adamant in the dream it can mean that one maybe defeated in their career, family or social life. To meet someone that is acting adamant means that life has become very unbearable for you. All you have is resentment and regret about faults and defeats in life. This actually calls for motivation. You need someone to motivate you. When you have this dream, it can mean that you have become weary of everything in your life because of several disappointments that you have faced. Try to give yourself a second chance and focus on you.

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