Sand moves and, therefore, is volatile.
Sand in the biblical sense represents the thoughts of gods. Sand suggests that you are thinking about your life and the time it takes to complete tasks. The sea is associated with your inner emotions. Seeing sand in a dream indicates you are letting “time pass you by.” It can imply that you are letting something control you. White sand featured in a dream suggests that you will understand more in life. Ancient dream dictionaries denote that sand indicates a loss of food and that in life things are not stable. To dream of seeing or being stuck in quicksand may signify you've taken a specific path in life. There is a danger of being worried about things that you have little control over, are you overwhelmed by your emotions at the moment? To be stuck in quicksand in a dream or to die in quicksand denotes possible danger in life. My name is Flo. In a roundabout way, I love dreams and have been studying them for nearly twenty years. So, if you are looking for a high-quality interpretation of your sand dream look no further. I have hunted in various books since the early 1990s to come up with a precise meaning to your dreams. So let’s get on and find out what sand means!

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