Most of us go through life with many different hopes and expectations.
We study at school and have numerous plans and ambitions. At times, some of us dream of independence. Maybe you are at school currently and you dream of being an adult, or maybe you are financially hard up and you dream of being financially free? Sometimes, we are our own harshest critics and this dream can sometimes appear when we are worrying about where our life is going. Dreaming about independence has a reference to your arrogance and pride in the waking life. The question is which part of yourself you are ready to release. Being independent in one's dream is positive. To live alone means that you may want freedom. To dream of your child being independent suggests that others will want your advice. If you dream that you are an independent person, you will have to temper your arrogance towards others. The independence in a dream can be always be interpreted as a suggestion to your inner independence.

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