House Dream Meaning

In dream psychology, “houses” are related to our own psyche. 
A house represents the temple of the mind a reflection of our mental state. The house is a reminder to look after yourself and that you need to think about the exterior of your life. An empty house means missed opportunities. The upper floors can imply your own mind and brain. The middle floors the chest, the first floor indicates your digestive system and ground floor your legs and feet. Dreams about houses can include many things, it could be a past house, new house, moving house, purchasing a house or even just a house that you have never been in before. There is a question that is often left with you after waking “what does the house mean!” I have experienced dreams of houses throughout my life. I remember when I was about 10 years old I had a dream of a house. About a year later we moved into that house. I must say, as I have got older (in my forties) I rarely now dream of houses I am going to live in. I last had a dream about a house 6 months ago, I dreamed of a detached house by a river with flats in the back garden. Houses and rooms in dreams can appear in many ways and have different meanings. 

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