The concept of being a hero in a dream relies solely on an archetype.
This is the “way” and perception of seeing yourself in the dream state. Many people often dream at one time or another of carrying out a heroic action. It is with these dream understandings that the mysterious human comprehension of sacrifice and goodness can be determined. The understanding of this type of archetype and being a “hero” is what is deemed an archetype experience in the dream state. There are lots of different archetypes in existence. The philosopher Carl Jung devised these archetypes from the studies of individual beings and mythologies around the world. In most cultural and religious backgrounds, there are myths which embody the greatest variant of varied archetype experiences. A good illustration of a hero fantasy could is having a dream of Hercules or Sinbad. We're more likely to see ourselves as archetypal characters - that could be epic, tragic, romantic, mythical and so forth - in transition points in our own lives.

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