A dream that involves illegal activities that represents yourself as an accomplice can cause stress and anxiety.
Ok, so you were an accomplice in the dream? Maybe you had a dream of someone else being the accomplice. Well, look no further. I love dreams and for years I had a vivid dream of being an accomplice to a robbery. I was the getaway driver. For years this puzzled me, and I spent a long time in ancient dream dictionaries to uncover the meaning. Dreaming of criminal activities usually denotes that you are feeling guilty about something you’ve done or for something someone else's action. It could also mean that karma will come and charge your past actions. Yes, don't we love Karma. Oh, before I go on further. I am Flo, a psychic who lives in England and yes, I have been studying dreams for twenty-five years and I am so thankful you are here reading this dream meaning. Right, let's move into specifics.

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