This dream is related to things that are not ordinary such as a dream of a strange land, distorted body parts, strange people, funny objects, magic powers and extraordinary weird things happening. To dream of something strange or abnormal, extraordinary or odd is an indication that new possibilities that are going to enter your life shortly.
Once you have identified the answers to the questions above you can try to relate it back to events in your life. Men and women and the gender signs also give us helpful ways in interpreting this dream. This dream is connected to magic, in that we can carry out cosmic ordering and make sure that what we do and what we process is beyond the obvious. There are many possible abnormal things that may have been featured in your dream. If your body is abnormal in your dream then you will be facing challenges about how you come across socially. If you have a large or small nose you need to slow down and become more organized. To become a giant or a dwarf indicates that your dream referrers to the physical image that you project to others, you need to eat healthier. If your body is distorted this can be connected with how you perceive yourself. If your face is abnormal means you need to avoid grievances.

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