This dream is all about control -- it suggests that others are setting the pace of your life and controlling you in some way. The feeling of being imprisoned is directly associated with the experience of feeling unloved.
What is the general meaning to dream of abduction? It is important to recognize that you must grow emotionally overcome your difficulties in the future. In some way, shape or form you are being taken over and this control is beginning to impact upon you to the point that it is starting to affect your subconscious mind. This dream means you that you are being taken over by a force against your will; therefore, the dream meaning is simply in that – it is literal. This dream is common, which featured in the top 100 dreams in the UK and America. This dream is often referred to as a nightmare as it generally indicates a crisis point in your life - where you seem to have no resolution. I'm Flo and I am here for you to help decode your dream so scroll down to find your dream meaning.

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