Lucid Dreams

What does a lucid dream mean? To understand what a lucid dream means we have to answer a number of questions! So hold your horses… we will need to get a lot of questions answered. I know you are thinking what is lucid dreaming and is it scientifically proven? Is it possible to learn lucid dreaming on demand or what can make it possible for you to become a lucid dreamer? 
Lucid dreaming allows you to actually experience a dream. Every night we spend a whopping 5-90 minutes dreaming and we have more than one dream a night. In our lifetime we dream on average 100k times. Wow I hear you say! But what happens during this important time? We all dream, even cats and dogs! Sometimes we remember, sometimes we don’t. Lucid dreaming is focused on dream recall, on experiencing what dreams really mean and being able to not only remember but influence the dream itself. With much experience one can guide their dreams this is known as lucid dreaming. Did you want control over your dreams? Anything in life from flying in the sky to creating the perfect car or love relationship. 

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