
Nightmares - why we have them....
A leading occultist Alistair Crowley often wrote about the astral planes and visiting different levels of the psychic trail. Subsequently, a number of magical methods fluctuated from the Golden Dawn through to Chaos magic.
In all these methods they are a structured way to begin to learn magic to increase self development upon earth.  There are many different ways that a person can learn magic and this can be carried out through self actualisation and fulfilment. So why am I outlining that this exists in the world? Quite simply, I believe that dreams are sometimes not meaningless, especially nightmares.
Dreams in essence are when we go over to another plane in order to learn something new or to get advice on a certain aspect of our life. The magic bookshop in London holds a unique set of books on demons, to a magician these creatures are real and there are different types of them.  I personally experienced a dream about a particular demon who sexually seduced me in my dream, she was a women. This was quite disturbing dream and the next day I looked up who she was on the occult forums. It was clear that this demon existed in the astral plane as when I actually could see a picture of her I realised that she existed. I had a good orgasm. So, this now brings us to the subject of demons: what are they, how do you control nightmares and how do I know you go to another astral plane?

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