July 2018

Oxygen Mask

When one dreams of an Oxygen Mask, then they are attempting to purify their lungs by not in taking anything unhealthy or unnatural. These ...


Did you dream about an owl? Owls are fantastic creatures to have in dreams. Only last week I had a dream about a golden, swooping owl and ...


When one dreams they are overweight there is a feeling of being watched and judged as well as the fear of not being accepted by one’s peers ...


To see nylon in your dream signifies possible foolishness or confusion over a matter. Additionally, it can refer to someone who is "n...

Overflowing Toilet Dream

The overflowing toilet’s seen in the dream is common, so the first thing I will say is your not alone. Toilets per say, are representation...


If you have a dream about nuts then this means that it radiates the energy of busyness around you which makes life a little bit difficult be...


When one witnesses an Oven in their dreams this is representative of being well loved by others or even cherished and cared for on a deep an...


When one dreams of nurseries there are several concepts which arise based on how you felt about that nursery. Usually this represents the ...


When one dreams of the great Outdoors, this is representative of a person who needs to have more freedom and who needs to be recharged by th...


When one has nurse dreams there is a level of healing or nurturing that is needed in order to feel comfortable. This is usually will come ...


When one dreams of being an Outcast, this directly refers to you feeling as though you do not have anywhere in your life that you can fit in...


Nun dreams are often symbolic of both the innocent in this world, and the sacred. Since Nuns are known to typically take on vows of celiba...

Ouija Board

When you have a Ouija Board Dream, it means that there is an added level of spirit and occult-like energies present in one’s life.This shows...


When one dreams of a number or a particular sequence of numbers, there are many kinds of different attributes which are associated, dependin...


This dream represents your home life. If this animal was in the water, then there is a focus on wealth, family matters, friendships, health,...


Nugget Dreams, or any kind of dream which includes sparkling metal symbolizes the abundance of the Universe and a potential receiving of a g...


When one sees an ostrich in their dreams, this means that the dreamer is not quite ready to handle reality and in fact may be creating more ...


If you find yourself to be naked suddenly in your dream and you are happy in this state this suggests the desire for freedom and your ideal ...


To dream that you are at the oscars is generally positive. If you are a famous actor and dream that you win the oscar we predict this is a ...

Not Feeding My Baby

Having a baby is more magical time than ever. It is a time where you are cultivating a family and is a true life changing memorable experien...

Orthodontic Braces

To dream of orthodontic braces indicates that you need freedom from something in waking life. For individuals who in waking life have full...

Nose Dive

To be in a plane crash in a dream is rather worrying. You may wake up and have to remind yourself that you are in a dream. To experience t...


When one has Orphan dreams this is a common symbol of rejection, abandoning, sadness, and frustration. This is what happens when we feel c...


Nightmares - why we have them.... A leading occultist Alistair Crowley often wrote about the astral planes and visiting different levels o...

Orion Constellation

The Orion Constellation tells of catching a stroke of good luck after working hard to succeed. It’s indication in a dream is one that enco...

Newborn Puppies

Dogs in your dream symbolize interpersonal connections as the brain often feels that dogs and puppies are “man’s best friend”. When you se...

Orgasm or Ejaculation Or Emission

This dream can show that your sexual desires for someone have not been recognized. It is often a symbol of new growth, and it indicates th...

Newborn Baby

To dream of a newborn baby boy in a dream is to dream of new potential beginnings. These dreams can indicate a new house or issues regardi...


When one dreams about a musical Organ. One must understand that this is usually representative of a gift from God, something that has happ...

New Year’S Eve

One can dream about people he knows, places he has visited or certain dates in life. Dreaming of New Year’s eve can signify that one is ea...

New Year

Dreaming about the New Year signifies prosperity, luck, and a hopefulness for the future. Generally New Year dreams are a great sign for t...


Oranges are representative of all that is refreshing, bright, content, clear and good in the world. If you have a dream about Oranges, you...

Orange Hair

Dreaming of orange hair, either on a person, this is often referred to as Redheads, or even Gingers. Sometimes in star personas such as Ca...

New Shoes

New shoes, which are needed in a dream, are a good sign for your life. They are utilitarian and serve a purpose and therefore they represe...

Oral Sex

Often times dreams which encompass Oral Sex or has elements of Oral Sex in the dream tends to be representative of several different life cy...

New School

When you are attending school and you dream of changing schools, this indicates your focus or mental prowess. Often New School dreams are ...


When one dreams of the drug. Opium, there is a chance that the dreamer is going to be going through a time of illusion, and indulgence whi...

New Man

A new man in your life can indicate a new person coming to you – either romantic or otherwise. When a specific man shows up in your dream,...


When one dreams of having an Operation or being a part of an Operation in one way or another. This is representative that the individual i...

New House

Hey, a dream about a house is a great sign so good for you! Here I have detailed everything you need to know about this dream so just scroll...


When one dreams of an Opera, there is a level of fantastic or dramatic energy around them at that time. This comes to a person when they h...

New Baby

A new baby in a dream is a symbol of innocence, beginnings, and potential. Seeing one in a dream will indicate a great new start in some a...


When one sees an opening in a dream, this means that there is going to be new information which is going to allow you to be more stimulated ...


I bet your first question is “why did I dream of nettles?” Stinging nettles seen in dreams indicates that somebody will be criticising you i...

Opening A Bag

You open a bag in order to get something in or out. A situation where you see yourself opening a bag implies that there are some hindrances ...


Nets indicate confinement and often are reflective of anxiety and of being unsure about your own life. Depending on the kind of net, often...


When you have dreams of an open door this is often a powerful omen that new things are coming, new possibilities, new jobs, new options and ...


Nest dreams symbolize home, life, and destiny. The nest can represent the home or one leaving the proverbial nest and going on a life adve...


When one dreams of onions there is a level of unraveling which must be done in order to get to the bottom of a particular issue. This mean...


Neptune is the God of the Sea and often dreams of Neptune also have a very watery aspect to them. When you dream of Neptune there are stro...

One Eyed

Dreaming of one eye is a direct message about not seeing the whole picture or a refusal to see things as they really are often these dreams ...


Nephew dreams are ones that are about closeness of family and can have many different meanings to them. For example, dreaming of your sist...

Omelet (Omelettes)

When you see an omelet in a dream it can be an odd thing to interpret. Thinking of the nature of the omelet though, it usually refers to a...


Neighborhood dreams indicate a need to be around others or a sense of belonging. When you see a neighborhood in your dream you may want to...