When you dream and find your self eating in the dream, it depicts:

1. Over-food consciousness or spiritual weakness.
2. If with people unknown to you or in a strange environment, it may be demonic. Some people are poisoned or possessed via eating in the dream.

6 Responses to "Eating"

  1. i won't agree to this because,i eat a lot it doesn't mean i'm possesed.

    1. You need to agree because that is the pure truth

  2. It depends on some vital factors which needs to be considered....Thannk you.

  3. its true..... you are actually being fed with demonic poisons it maybe anger backwadness lust bad luck rejection delay

  4. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. See the link below for more info.


  5. I dreamed i was at a job and i went on break. I went outside and satdown at a picnic table with a brown paper lunch bag. I took out 2 sandwiches my father had made for me and i opened one to see what was inside. It was normal and looked good. I was about to start eating when a strange young woman sat down very close to me with her lunch. She had 2 sandwiches as well but they looked strange, something was not right. She wanted me to trade a sandwich with her but i did not want to. I did not eat any sandwich though.


For more inquires or if you need help interpreting a dream pleas do comment or Email: nmeribee@yahoo.com